Faith-Focused Finance: The Essence of Biblically Responsible Investing

Matthew Allgood |


Faith-Focused Finance: The Essence of Biblically Responsible Investing

By Matthew Allgood, Principal and CFP®


You may have heard a great deal lately about Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing or an earlier version of it called Socially Responsible Investing (SRI).  But have you heard of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI)? 


In a world where financial decisions are often driven by profit and performance, BRI offers a refreshing perspective, aligning investment choices with Christian faith and values. As a financial advisor and a person of faith, I have witnessed the growing interest in BRI. In this article, I delve into the heart of BRI, exploring how we can make investment choices that are not only financially sound but also morally and ethically aligned with our beliefs.


What is Biblically Responsible Investing?

BRI is an investment philosophy guided by Christian principles. It involves actively choosing investments that align with Biblical values, avoiding companies that profit from or support activities contrary to these principles.


The Foundation of BRI: Screening and Selection

BRI employs two primary strategies:


  • Negative Screening: This involves avoiding investments in companies whose products, services, or business practices conflict with Biblical teachings.
  • Positive Screening: This involves seeking out companies engaged in ethical and responsible business practices that reflect and uphold Christian values.


The Importance of Stewardship in BRI

At its core, BRI is about stewardship. It's a recognition that our resources are a trust from God and should be managed in a way that honors Him. This stewardship extends beyond our personal lives and into the realm of how we invest our money. As 1 Timothy 6:10 reminds us, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” This verse underscores the necessity of approaching our finances with a mindset that prioritizes spiritual well-being over mere monetary gain. In BRI, we strive not just for financial success, but for investments that resonate with our core Christian values and beliefs.


The Growth of BRI

BRI is not a niche concept but a rapidly growing area in the financial world. Many investors are seeking ways to ensure their financial decisions reflect their faith. This has led to the development of a range of BRI funds and investment products that cater to these needs.


The Performance of BRI Funds

A common concern about BRI is whether it compromises on financial returns. Studies have shown that BRI funds can perform on par with, if not better than, traditional investments. Choosing to invest responsibly does not mean sacrificing financial growth.


BRI and Personal Conviction

BRI is deeply personal and varies according to individual beliefs and values. It’s about aligning your investment with your interpretation of Biblical principles. This personalized approach ensures that your investment portfolio is a true reflection of your faith.


Getting Started with BRI

Starting with BRI involves:


  1. Understanding Your Values: Define what Biblically responsible investing means to you.
  2. Assessment: Review your current investments to see how they align with your values.
  3. Consultation: Work with a financial advisor knowledgeable in BRI to align your portfolio with your faith.


The Role of a Financial Advisor in BRI

A financial advisor plays a crucial role in BRI. They can help navigate the complex world of investments, ensuring that your portfolio aligns with your faith while also meeting your financial goals. At Allgood Financial, we take pride in assisting clients in this journey, combining our financial expertise with a deep understanding of Christian values.



Biblically Responsible Investing is more than just a financial strategy; it's a commitment to ensure that your finances reflect your deepest values and beliefs. It's about being a good steward of the resources entrusted to us and making a positive impact through our investment choices.


If you're interested in exploring how your investments can better align with your faith, I invite you to reach out. Together, we can craft a portfolio that brings peace of mind, knowing that your financial decisions are in harmony with your spiritual convictions.