Positive Patterns, Lingering Risks

Historically, the stock market tends to perform well after interest rate cuts, which is why many investors are optimistic, and we've seen positive reactions recently.
However, there have been exceptions, such as in 2001 and 2007, when the results didn’t match expectations. This highlights the importance of maintaining a balanced approach and managing risk carefully.
We are closely tracking these trends to ensure your portfolio stays aligned with your financial goals, so it’s prepared for both potential gains and any challenges that may arise.
Positive Patterns, Lingering Risks
Source: Bloomberg, Redwood. Data as of 9/11/2024. Date Range from September 1984 – August 2019.
Allgood Financial
Disclosure: This piece is for informational purposes only and contains opinions of Redwood that should not be construed as facts. Information provided herein from third parties is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Charts and graphs are for illustrative purposes only. Discussion of any specific strategy is not intended as a guarantee of profit or loss. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The objectives mentioned are not guaranteed to be achieved. Investors cannot invest directly in any of the indices mentioned above.
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